Haywood County Schools is pleased to offer an opportunity for students to create a website/blog for instructional purposes: 1) to teach a student how to create or maintain a website or 2) to facilitate a student’s work on school assignments or research projects. No student pages will be posted or made accessible to the general public until approved by the principal or teacher/sponsor. Principals and teachers maintain editorial control over student websites.
To setup your student website/blog:
1) Complete the online form to register your blog.
Enter your network/email username. (Blogs created with alternate usernames will be deleted.)
Enter your school email address. (Ex. ________@student.haywood.k12.nc.us)
Choose “Gimme a Site!”
Click Next.
Site Name will automatically include your network/email username.
Under Site Title, include a title for your site and the teacher’s name who is sponsoring your website/blog. (Note: You may change your Site Title once it has been set up, but teacher name is very important in the initial step.)
Click “Signup.”
2) Complete the Student Website/Blog Permission Form. This form must be signed by your parent/guardian, your sponsoring teacher, and yourself. Return completed forms to your teacher. (Teachers – please keep these forms on file at your school.)
3) Once forms are signed and returned, your teacher may begin approving your posts.
Note: Student websites/blogs will be disabled at the end of every year, unless otherwise noted. Students will use their network/computer login to access sites.