Holly Bradley, Student Life Writer
This year Pisgah High School will be bring back the “Angel Tree” project! This community project allows holiday season gift assistance for community members, or more specifically, PHS students. Pisgah High School students in need of assistance have made wish list, which is posted on ornaments that can be found on the guidance center Holiday Tree. Any student, teacher, club, team, etc. is invited and encouraged to participate in the project. You may participate by collecting an “angel” from the tree and purchasing gifts from the wish list. The recommended price range for the gifts is $50.00 to $75.00, so that it is equal among students. Gifts are due by the end of the school day on December 14, 2015. You may turn in theses gifts at Pisgah. All gifts will need to be wrapped, and delivered in a large trash bag with the student number firmly attached. If you have further questions you are encouraged to contact the guidance office at (828) 646-3440.